Purpose: Versatile build for general content and mid-to-high-level missions.
Synergy: For a great all-rounder configuration, this builds balances raw damage, fire rate, and elemental damage. It guarantees constant performance over several adversary factions and mission kinds.
Purpose: Maximizes critical chance and damage for single-target and elite enemy takedowns.
Synergy: Offering great crit potential with quick firing, works best with weapons like the Akstiletto Prime and Lex Prime. Against top-level adversaries and bosses, this configuration shines.
Purpose: Ideal for crowd control and status application.
Synergy: Apply many status effects quickly using on weapons like Kuva Nukor. This build guarantees adversaries stay crippled and exposed.
While Lethal Torrent benefits most pistols, some weapons gain an exceptional boost from this mod. Here are some of the best secondary weapons to use with Lethal Torrent:
To maximize Lethal Torrent’s potential, combine it with the following secondary weapon mods:
Scorch: Heat damage + status chance.
Absolutely! Lethal Torrent is among the most powerful mods for secondary weapons regardless of experience level—new player or seasoned Tenno. Nearly any pistol build should include this basic improvement since it may greatly increase both Multishot and Fire Rate, increase damage output, improve crowd management, and enable faster status application.